NOTICE OF DECISION : Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021

I, Ben Carroll, Minister for Roads and Road Safety and Minister responsible for administering the Road Safety Act 1986, give notice in accordance with section 12 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 of my decision to make the proposed Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021 (the proposed Regulations).

A regulatory impact statement in relation to the proposed Regulations was made available for public comment from 11 June 2021 until 8 July 2021 The Department of Transport received 1060 submissions.

After consideration of the submissions in accordance with section 11 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994, I have decided to proceed with the making of the proposed Regulations with the following amendments:

  • Maintaining the eligibility far club permit registration at 25 years (there was consideration of increasing the eligibility to 30 years).

  • Reinserting regulations relating to the Hazardous Area Authority. These requirements are to remain in the proposed Regulations until corresponding amendments are to be made to the Bus Safety Regulations 2020.

  • Amendment of penalty amounts for certain offences under the proposed Regulations.

  • Other minor, miscellaneous, and technical amendments.

The following regulatory requirements have also been omitted from the proposed Regulations. However, I intend to implement these reforms through amendments to the proposed Regulations after the proposed Regulations Commence:

  • Regulations which would have required vehicles over 15 years of age to be recorded on the written-off vehicles register when classified as a statutory write-off or a repairable write-off.

  • Requiring light vehicles or light trailers with a fixed gas fitting to present a gas certificate or gas compliance plate at the time of registration of that vehicle or trailer.

  • Amendment of the eligibility for registration concession by charitable or benevolent organisations.

Dated 8 September 2021


Minister for Roads and Road Safety

Department or Transport