AOMC Delegates Meeting Notice

Saturday, August 27, 2022

11:00 AM 1:00 PM

Venue: Seymour Club 1 Elizabeth Street, Seymour

Guest Speaker: Geoff Gwilym, Chief executive officer of the VACC

  • Arrive at 11.00 am plenty of off street parking available

  • Light lunch will be available for all attendees at a contribution of $5.00 per head.

  • After which we will have a meeting of delegates, where our Guest Speaker will be Geoff Gwilym, Chief executive officer of the VACC, Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce.

  • His address will be of interest to our members.

  • We invite our country delegates to support our annual meeting in the regions and offer a warm welcome to our Melbourne club representatives advising that Seymour is approximately one hour from Melbourne.

  • We would appreciate your attendance advice for catering purposes.

  • Please support our Country Delegates Meeting.

  • RSVP's by close of business Friday 19th August to Howard on:03 9558 4829 or email to