National Heritage Motoring Day ( Drive it Day)

This annual event is held to showcase the movement Australia wide by encouraging the use of our vehicles on a particular date each year. In previous years we have provided a venue to which we have encouraged your members to drive to. 

This year we will not be doing this, but we will be encouraging our clubs to individually promote an event on this day. We encourage our clubs to support this event as a positive way to promote the movement to the wider community. 

Sunday 16th May 2021

We request that our members advise us of their planned club event and we will list them on our web site events page and our face book page. We urge our members to support us and the movement by providing us with the information about your events. 

Information should be forwarded to Howard our office manager at 

Next year we will arrange a drive to a great location, where we will promote a display in aid of a local charity as in previous years. Watch this space 

Iain Ross 

AOMC President.