Celebrate National Motoring Heritage Day
Open to all veteran, vintage, classic, historic and collector vehicles.
Meet at the Pickers Union, North Geelong.
Sausage sizzle lunch.
Organised by Geelong Motoring Enthusiasts.
Website: www.gme.org.au
Celebrate National Motoring Heritage Day
Open to all veteran, vintage, classic, historic and collector vehicles.
Meet at the Pickers Union, North Geelong.
Sausage sizzle lunch.
Organised by Geelong Motoring Enthusiasts.
Website: www.gme.org.au
Phone: (61) 3 9558 4829
NOTE: The AOMC office is attended 2 day per week, please telephone to
make an appointment or use this form.
Address: 21 Rosalie Street SPRINGVALE VICTORIA 3171
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