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Historic Sandown




The event will be conducted under the FIA International Sporting Code including Appendices, the National Competition Rules (NCR) and Circuit Race Standing Regulations of Motorsport Australia, the Regulations for 5th Category – Historic Cars and the Regularity Trials Standing Regulations of Motorsport Australia , the Speed Event Standing Regulations, the Motorsport Australia Return to Race documents, these Supplementary Regulations and any Further Supplementary Regulations or instructions that may be issued. The event will subject to Motorsport Australia Permit # 821/0711/03.

The event will be conducted under and in accordance with Motorsport Australia OH&S, Safety 1st and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the Motorsport Australia website at

Certain public, property, professional indemnity and personal accident insurance is provided by Motorsport Australia in relation to the Event. Further details can be found in the Motorsport Australia Insurance Handbook, available at

 COVID matters

It has come to our attention that there is quite a bit of confusion/ misinformation circulating regarding the “Covid Vaccination” status for this event.

 Therefore, please note that All persons seeking to attend the Sandown venue for this event must be double vaccinated, and will need to produce satisfactory evidence of such to gain entry.

 This is not optional, and there are no exceptions.

 The above is a Direction of the Victorian State Government


The event will be promoted and organised by the Victorian Historic Racing Register Inc. (VHRR).


Noel Robson (Chairman), Ian McLennan, Bob Harborow, David Vernall, David Floyd, Simon Rogers, Michael Herlihy, David Bellenger, Jennie & Rod Hatfield, Eddie Dobbs, Amelia Soutter, Brett Florence, Grant Campbell, Ken Williams, Ron Simmonds, Richard Williams, Cheryl Reid & Geoff McInnes.

CLERK OF THE COURSE     David Vernall [Official Licence # 88382] M 0418 596 847 E:

SECRETARY OF THE EVENT David Floyd [Official Licence # 9724773] M 0402 257 541 E:

ENTRY SECRETARY             Simon Rogers [Official Licence # 9550124] M 0419 504 102   E:

STEWARDS                            Stuart Allen [Chair] [Official Licence # 886996]

Colin Smith [Official Licence # 887135]

    Mike Dennis [Official Licence # 883063]

SCRUTINEER                         TBA


COVID CHECKER                  Alan Fabry


The event will be held over 3 days. Friday 5th November 2021 will be a Practice activity. Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th November 2021 will be a National Historic Race Event. All three days activities will be conducted at Sandown International Raceway and cars will circulate in an anticlockwise direction of the 3.1 km National Circuit. Demonstration and parade laps may be held at designated times during the weekend in accordance with the NCR.


Entries open on Monday 16th August 2021 and close on Friday 15th October 2021, except for the Friday practice activity where entries will close at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 5th November 2021. The entry fee will be $210 for the Friday practice activity for all competitors. The entry fee for all categories for Saturday/Sunday activities will be $435. All fees include GST. MasterCard or VISA is the only method of payment – no surcharge applies. A surcharge of $210 (incl. GST) applies to a cross entry. A cross entry can only be the same Driver entering the same car in a second category.

Garage and/or marquee spaces will be available and will be allocated by the organising committee. The cost will be $325 per car including GST. 

Online is the preferred method of entering. Please go to If you require assistance with entering, please ring Simon Rogers on 0419 504 102

Vehicles other than those entering Demonstration events, Regularity, Group S, Historic Touring Cars, MG & invited British and HQ Holden must have a Certificate of Description or an Historic Technical Passport (inc logbook). Further information regarding COD’s can be found on the Motorsport Australia website.

The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason in accordance with the provisions of NCR’. Protests must be lodged in accordance with the NCR’. The promoter reserves the right to cancel, abandon or postpone the event in accordance with NCR’.


Friday will be a practice activity. Saturday/Sunday will be practice/qualifying and racing, sprints and & regularity. All competitors and drivers must be a current financial member of a Motorsport Australia affiliated car club.

Regularity/Sprint drivers must hold a minimum of a current Motorsport Australia Speed Competition Licence.

Racing drivers must hold a minimum of a current Motorsport Australia Circuit licence with provisional endorsement except as detailed below:

- A minimum of a Circuit Licence (non provisional) and an HPL Endorsement is required for the following high performance 5th category Historic vehicles: 

Group F5000

Groups O, P, Q & R:   Any Formula 1 or Indy Car

Groups Q&R Sports 3,000 cc & over: FIA Prototypes Group C1 and C2

Note: The holder of an International C/CH licence still requires the HPL Endorsement to compete in the above-named vehicles.

- A Circuit Licence (non provisional) is the minimum requirement for these 5th category Historic vehicle Groups: 

Any vehicle requiring HPL; Groups Q & R FIA Formula 2; Group R Formula 3000 / Formula Holden  

Groups Q & R Sports 2,000 cc & over

Further details:

Races will be provided for the following categories: 

Group J, K, L & invited Sa Formula Ford M & O Sports and Racing & Formula Vee

P Q & R Racing & Q & R sports to 2,000 cc Formula 5000 Group

C & A Touring cars Group Sa, Sb & Sc Historic Touring Cars

MG & invited British HQ Holden

and other vehicles invited by the Organisers and which have been approved by Motorsport Australia and the Historic Motorsport Committee. The invited vehicles will be those which are in keeping with the Historic theme of the Event.


There will be one grid of Regularity cars. Only vehicles deemed to be Historic will be allowed to enter. Cars manufactured up to 31 December 1977 will be eligible to enter. Acceptance of all cars will be subject to the Organising Committee having reached agreement with Motorsport Australia and the Historic Motorsport Committee. The minimum lap time that can be nominated will be 1 minute 35 seconds.

Generally speaking, cars that are racing cannot enter in Regularity events. There may be exceptions if the car is deemed suitable for Regularity and the driver is not also in the racing events. The final decision rests with the Clerk of the Course.


Due to COVID we shall advise you in the Further Supplementary Regulations of the document check and scrutiny procedures. 


Preferred competition numbers are to be requested at the time of entry. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Three digit numbers will generally not be accepted. Competing vehicles may be asked to carry a sticker from the event sponsor if approved by the HMC.


All Competitors are reminded to make themselves familiar with the Sandown Raceway Race Meeting Venue Regulations that are available at


Categories will generally require a minimum of 20 entered vehicles as at the close of entries to have their own race/event. If such numbers are not reached the Organiser may need to combine categories in accordance with Article 2.1 of the Events section of the 5th category regulations of the 2021 Motorsport Australia Manual of Motor Sport and its accompanying group compatibility chart. The maximum number of entries is 400.

12. FUEL

Details about fuel will be provided in the Further Supplementary Regulations.


The holder of an Motorsport Australia Licence (or a Licence issued by another ASN) may be tested for the presence of any drug or other banned substance and subject to a penalty for a breach of the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy and/or Motorsport Australia Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy at

Consumption of alcohol in the paddock, pits or any other Reserved Area is prohibited until all Competition is concluded each day. The holder of a Motorsport Australia Licence (or a Licence issued by another ASN) may be tested for the presence of alcohol by a Motorsport Australia Accredited Testing Official (CATO) in accordance with the Motorsport Australia Alcohol Policy at


All event and category signage requirements must be forwarded to Motorsport Australia at least 8 weeks prior to the event and will comply with the Motorsport Australia 5th Category rule, 1.3 Paintwork and Signage, stating that any signage/advertising must be in accordance with the size restrictions set out in FIA Appendix K. It is the responsibility of the Organiser, Club or Competitor group to ensure that any competitor, eligible to compete within the effected group/s is made aware of any signage/advertising requirements in advance.


The Sandown Race Committee are pleased to be able to advise that this afternoon we have been given approval to allow limited Spectator numbers at the “Red Hill” (Dandenong Road Corner) Spectator viewing area on

 Saturday 6 November, and Sunday 7 November. 

 Gates open both days at 9.30am

 This is a particularly good viewing area as cars can be seen arriving at Turn 6 at speed and coming down the hill into Dandenong Road corner and then down through the causeway.

 There are some important conditions/limitations however noted as follows:

 Entry will be via the gates at “Red Hill” with tickets issued at the gate at a cost of $20.00 per head on both Saturday and Sunday. CASH ONLY at the gate please as we will not have any electronic card terminal available. There will not be any complimentary tickets for VHRR members for this years event. You will not be permitted to enter any other areas of the Sandown facility.

 Spectators can only be admitted in a car and all persons in said car must be fully vaccinated and will be required to provide proof primarily via the State Gov’t QR Code system, or a hard copy certificate confirming double vaccination.

 Social distancing must be observed in the vicinity of other Spectators

 Toilets at Red Hill will be open, however no food or drink will be available for purchase. You must bring your own.

 Unfortunately this is the best we can offer for 2021. Lets hope that 2022 will get back to what we consider to be normal so that we all can enjoy our sport with appropriate freedoms.

For all those proposing to attend this event at Sandown as Spectators at the “Red Hil” facility please note that Circuit Management, MRC, have instructed VHRR  that the ‘Red Hill” facility is strictly an Alcohol free area.

 Please do not bring alcohol with you to this event.

Earlier Event: October 31
Point Nepean Heritage Motor Show
Later Event: November 7
2021 Mustang Roundup