Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec nulla pellentesque, scelerisque diam eget, ornare risus. Aliquam in interdum enim, non cursus augue. Duis ultrices metus sit amet justo vestibulum vulputate. Aliquam fringilla faucibus euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Duis tincidunt massa est, et ullamcorper risus porta non. Cras est mauris, consectetur vitae sapien vitae, ultrices molestie metus. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi venenatis pretium augue, eget vestibulum neque sollicitudin quis. Mauris rhoncus, erat at blandit auctor, nulla ligula posuere est, sed posuere erat tellus varius lorem. Praesent suscipit velit erat, ut tristique tortor suscipit condimentum. Sed et elit sagittis, rhoncus urna ac, scelerisque lectus. Aenean ac velit blandit, convallis risus sed, consectetur leo. In arcu ante, faucibus sed posuere aliquet, ultrices vel est. Nunc et accumsan mauris, sed facilisis ex.

Town/SuburbNameAddressPhone No.Email address
AlexandraCorner Hotel65 Grant Street03 5772 1004https://www.cornerhotelalex.com.au/
AllensfordAllensford Hotel1-3 Grauers Road03 5565 1242https://www.allansfordhotel.com.au
ApsleyThe Border Inn Hotel65 Wallace Street03 5586 1205https://borderinnapsley.com.au/
Ararat Ararat RSL74-76 High Street03 5352 2794https://araratrsl.com.au/
Bacchus MarshCourt House Hotel116 Main Street03 9851 4285https://www.courthousehotelbm.com.au/
BallanShazza's Diner145 Inglis Street03 5368 9249Facebook
BaxterBaxter Tavern117 Baxter-Tooradin Road03 5971 2207https://www.baxtertavern.com.au/
BayswaterBayswater Hotel780 Mountain Highway03 9729 6144https://www.thebayswaterhotel.com.au/
BeaconsfieldCardinia Park Hotel200 Beaconsfield-Emerald Road03 9707 1188http://thecardiniaparkhotel.com.au/
BeeacThe Farmers Arms87 Main Street03 5234 6341enquiries@farmersarmsbeeac.com.au
BelgraveEarthly Pleasurers Café1627 Burwood Highway03 9752 6744https://www.earthlypleasurerscafe.com
BenellaNorth East Hotel1 Nunn Street03 5762 7333https://www.northbenella.com.au
BlackburnBlackburn Hotel111 Whitehorse Road03 9894 2966https://www.blackburnhotel.com.au/
BraesideGardenworld Café810 Springvale Road03 9769 1019www.gardenworldcafe.com.au
BriagolongThe Briagolong Hotel10 Forbes Street03 5145 5202
BroadfordBroadford Hotel100 High Street0474 633 209www.thebroadfordhotel.com.au
BruthenTambo Honey Café64 Main Street0497 773 160https://tambovalleyhoney.com.au
BullaBlack Hawk Hotel80 Bulla Road03 9307 1182blackhorsehotel@keitan.com.au
BulleenThe Manningham Hotel1 Thompsons Road03 9850 2777https://themanningham.com.au
BundalongBundalong CaféMurray Valley Highway03 5726 8741https://wattsinbundalongcafe.com.au/
BunyipRailway Hotel14 Main Street03 5629 5202https://www.railwayhotelbunyip.com/
Campbells CreekFive Flags Hotel155 Main Road03 5472 1010
CaulfieldCaulfield RSL4 George Road03 9528 3600https://www.crsl.com.au/
CheltenhamThe Naked Racer Bar & Café1 Grange Road0418 205 575https://nrmotoco.com
CheltenhamCheltenham Moorabbin RSL289 Centre Dandenong Road03 9583 1775https://cheltenhamrsl.com.au
ClematisParadise Valley Hotel249 Belgrave-Gembrook Road03 5968 4037hello@paradisevalleyhotel.com
ClunesNational Clunes Hotel35 Fraser Street03 5345 3005dmc54124@bigpond.net.au
CowesRSL Philip Island225-243 thompson Avenue03 5952 1004https://pirsl.com.au
CreswickFarmers Arms Hotel31 Albert Street03 5345 2221https://www.farmersarmscreswick.com/
CroydonCastello's Croydon Hotel47 Maroondah Highway03 9870 9344https://castellos.com.au
CurlewisOneday Estate Winery45 Curlewis Road0419 300 281https://onedayestate.com.au
Dandenong SouthMelz Café8/141-165 Frankston Dandenong Road03 9794 7883
DarnumThe Darnum Stump Tea Rooms1 Cropley St,03 5627 8340
Diamond CreekDiamond Creek Hotel29 Main Hurstbridge Rd03 9458 1444https://www.diamondcreekhotel.com.au/
Doncaster EastCherry Hill Tavern195 Reynolds Road03 9841 8122https://www.cherryhilltavern.com.au/
DrouinDrouin Golf & Country ClubMcGone Road03 5625 1330https://www.drouingolfclub.com.au
East KewEast Kew Golf Club120 Brlford Road03 9859 6148admin@kewgolf.com.au
Echuca American Hotel239-249 Hare Street03 4416 3010https://www.americanhotelechuca.com.au/
EynesburyMs Peacock Restaurant & Bar487 Eynesbury Road03 9971 0402https://eynesbury.com.au/dining-and-events/ms-peacock/
Falls Creek1550 Café, St. Falls Resort17 Bogong High Plains Road03 5732 8000https://stfallsresort.com.au/dine/1550-bar-cafe/
FyansfordThe Fyansford Hotel67 Hyland Street03 5521 6654https://thefyansfordhotel.com.au/
Hoppers CrossingHoppers Club180-200 Pannam Drive03 9749 4844https://hoppersclub.com.au/
GreendaleGreendale Hotel3 Green-Myrniong Road03 5368 1355https://thegreendale.com.au/
GreenvaleForget Me Not Eatery595 Mikleham Road03 9333 2575https://www.forgetmenoteatery.com.au/
HamiltonThomson's Tavern138 Gray Street0493 279 689https://www.thomsonstavern.com/
Jingellic, NSWJingellic Hotel3149 River Road02 6037 1290https://www.jingellicpub.com.au/
KewStudley Grounds CaféStudley Park Roadhttps://www.studleygrounds.com.au/cafe
KilcundaKilcunda Ocean View Hotel3531-3533 Bass Highway03 5678 7245https://kilcundaoceanviewhotel.com.au
Koo Wee RupRoyal Hotel96-100 Station Street03 5997 1414https://www.royalhotelkwr.com.au/
KorumburraBurra Brewery Co12 Commercial Street03 5658 1444https://www.burrabrewingco.com.au
Launching PlaceLaunching Place Home Hotel2170 Warburton Highway03 5967 3303https://www.launchingplacehomehotel.com.au/
LyonvilleRadio Springs Hotel1 High Street03 5348 5562https://www.radiospringshotel.com.au/
MarloThe Marlo Hotel19 Argyle Parade03 5154 8201https://marlohotel.com.au/
MaryboroughMaryborough Highland Society35 High Street03 5461 1480https://highlandsociety.com.au
McMahons CreekReefton Hotel1600 Woods Point Road03 5966 8555http://www.reeftonhotel.com.au/
MeeniyanMeeniyan Hotel117 Whitelaw Street03 5664 7203https://meeniyanhotel.com.au/
MeredithRustic Ram Café & Restaurant55 Wallace Street03 5208 1317http://www.rusticram.com.au/
Mirboo NorthMirboo North Hotel70 Ridgway 03 5668 1552
Mitta MittaMitta PubOmeo Highway02 6072 3541https://mittapub.com.au
Moama, NSWRich River Golf ClubTwenty Four Lane03 5481 3333https://www.richriver.com.au/
MoeMoe Racing ClubWaterloo Road03 5120 1333 https://country.racing.com/moe
MoeThe Moe Hotel45 Lloyd Street03 5127 1009http://www.moehotel.com.au/
MoeThe Old Gippsland Tearooms211-225 lloyd Street0493 849 850gippstown@clarityss.com
MontmorencyMontmorency Eltham RSL16 Mountain View Road03 9434 2085https://montyrsl.com.au/
MontroseHahndorf's Fine Chocolates960-962 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road03 9728 6133https://hahndorfs.com.au
Moonee PondsThe Boathouse Café7 The Boulvard 03 9375 2456www.the-boathouse.com.au/
MoorabbinFat Bobs Bar & Grill80A Cochranes Road03 9555 0909info@fatbobs.com.au
MooroopnaMooroopna Golf Club2 Fairway Drive03 5825 4135https://mooroopnagolfclub.com.au/
Mount EvelynMount Evelyn Garden Centre126 York Road03 9736 1162https://mtevelyngardencentre.com.au/
Mount MacedonMount Macedon Hotel694 Mount Macedon Road03 5426 1295https://www.mountmacedonhotel.com.au/
MulgraveMulgrave Country Club469 Wellington Road03 9582 4600https://www.mulgravecc.com.au
Mulwala, NSWWaterside Grill156 MelbourneStreet03 5744 1507https://mulwalawaterski.com.au
Mulwala, NSWMulwala Bakery107 Melbourne Street03 5744 3459
MyrtlefordCafé Fez145 Great Alpine Road5751 1155https://www.redramia.com.au/cafe-fez
NarbethongBlack Spur Inn436 Maroondah Highway03 5963 7121https://blackspurinn.com.au/
Neerim SouthNeerim South Hotel91-109 Main Neerim Road03 5628 1431https://neerimsouthhotel.com.au/
NelsonThe Nelson Hotel36 Kellet Street08 8738 4399https://www.nelsonhotelvictoria.com.au/
New GisbourneBaringo Food & Wine Co283 Station Road03 5428 2144https://baringofoodandwine.com.au/
NoojeeThe Outpost RetreatTool Shed Restaurant, 38 Loch Valley Rd03 5628 9669https://www.toolshednoojee.com.au/
NumurkahNumurkah Bakery77 Melville Street03 5862 1772
OakleighThe Castello Foresters Arms1529-1531 Dandenong Road03 9563 4400https://castellos.com.au
OfficerBellevue Farm Gate Café544 Brown Road03 5943 2530https://www.bellevuefarmgate.com.au/
PakenhamPakenham Hotel226-230 Princes Highway03 5941 1233https://castellos.com.au
Panton HillPanton Hill Hotel633 Kangaroo Ground - St Andrews Rd03 9719 7270https://www.pantonhillhotel.com.au/
PaynesvilleThe Paynesville HotelThe Esplanade03 5156 6442https://www.paynesvillehotel.com.au/
RichmondAmora Hotel Riverwalk649 Bridge Road03 9246 1200https://www.amorahotels.com/amora-hotel-riverwalk-melbourne/
RingwoodMister FoxRingwood Golf Club, 352 Canterbury Rd03 9052 4352www.mister-fox.com.au
RochesterCriterion Hotel49 Mackay Street03 5484 3145
RockbankGame Keepers Secret1555 Melton Highway03 9747 1000http://www.gamekeepers.com.au/
RomsayThe 1860 Romsey119 Min Street03 4418 7601https://www.the1860.com.au/
RyeRye Hotel2415 Point Nepean Road03 5985 2277https://www.ryehotel.com.au
SheppartonShepparton Club455 Wyndham Street03 5831 4488https://sheppartonclub.com.au
St AndrewsSt Andrews Hotel79 Burns Street03 97101201https://thestandrewshotel.com.au/
St. LeonardsSt. Leonards Hotel496 The Esplanade03 5257 1408https://stleonardsbythesea.com.au/
StawellGreen Leaf Café118 Main Street0461 377 380https://www.greenleafcafe.com.au/
SunshineDerrimot Hotel 132 Durham Road03 9311 1171https://castellos.com.au
TatongTatong Hotel2581 Benella - Tatong Road03 5767 2210https://tatongtavern.com.au/
TaturaTatura Middle Pub162 Hogan Street03 5878 2211https://taturamiddlehotel.com.au/
The BasinAcorn Bar & Restaurant375 Forest Road03 9762 8668https://www.theacorn.com.au/
Trentham EastPig & Whistle Hotel705 James Lane03 5424 1213https://pigandwhistlehotel.com.au/
Upper BeaconsfieldPine Grove Hotel45-51 Stoney Creek Road03 5944 3524https://www.pinegrovehotel.com.au/
WarragulBank Hotel5/7 Smith Street03 5622 3337https://www.bankwarragul.com.au/
WarragulCommercial Hotel115 Queen Street03 5627 0714https://www.commercialwarragul.com.au/
WarrndyteBeasley's Nursery & Teahouse195 Heidelberg - Warrandyte Road03 9844 1777https://www.beasleysnursery.com.au/
WarrndyteWarran Glen Gardens & Gifts373-383 Ringwood - Warrandyte Road03 9844 3027https://warranglen.com.au
Werribee SouthBy The Bay Café & Bar50 Quay Boulevard03 8538 3471Facebook
Werribee SouthThe Views Function Bar & Grill350 K Road03 8742 0960https://theviewsfunctionbargrill.com.au
WintonLittle Cedar21 Bowers Road0478 056 658https://littlecedar.com.au/
WodongaGarden Gallery Café5 Huon Creek Road02 6056 5005
WoodendHolgate Brewhouse79 High Street03 5427 2510https://holgatebrewhouse.com/
Yallourn NorthYallourn North Hotel58 North Road03 5167 1401https://www.theynh.com.au/
Yarra GlenYarra Valley Grand Hotel19 Bell Street03 9730 1230https://yarravalleygrand.com.au/
Yarra Glen / YeringYering Stattion38 Melba Highway03 9730 0100https://www.yering.com
YarrawongaYarrawonga Hotel39 Belmore Street03 5744 3009https://www.yarrawongahotel.com.au/
YeaRoyal Mail Hotel88 High Street03 57972515https://www.royalmailhotelyea.com.au/