AOMC Aussie Classic Car Show
Sunday 30th March 2025 at the Manhattan Hotel, Ringwood
In conjunction with our supporter Penrite the AOMC is proud to celebrate the products of our great Australian motoring industry and heritage.
This is a revival of Victoria’s preeminent Motoring Event that will showcase our local industry and is open to any vehicle that was either manufactured or assembled in Australia.
If you either own or are interested in the local products of General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Nissan, British Leyland, Volkswagen and many other smaller scale producers this is the event for you!
What better way to celebrate than with our great Aussie lubricant company
Penrite who will be providing surprise giveaways of their fantastic
products at the event!
You do not need to be a club member to display your vehicle.
This will be an exciting event with no pre booking required at a very well
known and convenient car show location.
Check flyer for details.